Identification of Variants is an extensive workflow to identify and predict the effect of high quality single nucleotide variants, small indels, CNVs and strutural variants from Exome or targeted resequencing data using GATK best practices. Downstream analysis such as GO and KEGG-pathway analysis can be performed on the set of interesting genes. In this workflow, parameters can also be optimized depending on datasets and analysis needs. State-of-the-art publication-quality visualization and reports of your analysis results can be easily downloaded in the form of tables, images and html.


Import Disease/Normal Sample (FASTQ | SRA) Cleaned Disease/Normal (FASTQ) QC Reports Map to Reference (Disease/Normal BAM) QC Reports BAM Processing (Cleaned Disease/Normal BAM) QC Reports Indel Realignment (Cleaned Disease/Normal BAM) Base Recalibration (Cleaned Disease/Normal BAM) Structural Variants (Exome Reports) Copy Number Variants (Exome Reports) GATK Call Variants (Exome VCF) Annotate Variants (Annotated VCF) ClinChek+ Project Reports PanChek+

Supported Organisms


Homo sapiens


Mus musculus


Turn your complex genomic data into a meaningful report of actionable information and insightful visualizations.
Reports are highly customizable and exportable in industry-class formats.

Read Duplication Summary

Reads Genomic Origin

Pre-filter Coverage Profile (Low)

Genomic distribution of SNPs & INDELs

Genomic distribution of SNPs

Manhattan Plot

variant summary

GO Biological Process

GO Cellular Component

GO Molecular Function

KEGG Pathway
