Genome analysis has emerged as a transformative tool, shedding light on the genetic underpinnings of inherited gastrointestinal (GI) disorders. The disorders like, familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), hereditary pancreatitis, and hereditary hemochromatosis, can silently lurk within our genetic makeup, predisposing individuals to serious health complications.

Genome analysis empowers healthcare providers to identify genetic mutations linked to these disorders, enabling them to provide personalized care and make informed clinical decisions. By understanding an individual's genetic predisposition, clinicians can tailor treatment plans, select appropriate screening strategies, and predict disease progression, ensuring timely intervention and improved outcomes.


Navigating the Therapeutic Landscape

Empower your treatment decisions with a comprehensive guide to FDA-approved targeted therapies based on genomic biomarkers.

Key Points

  • Uncover personalized treatment options tailored to your unique genetic profile.
  • Explore the latest FDA-approved therapies backed by robust clinical evidence.
  • Gain insights into the science behind genomic biomarkers and their impact on treatment response.
  • Navigate the complex therapeutic landscape with confidence and informed decision-making.


Embrace Personalized Therapeutics: Tailored Treatment for a Healthier You

Our cutting-edge precision medicine platform harnesses the power of genetic information to revolutionize healthcare. By analyzing your unique genetic makeup, we can provide personalized treatment plans that are safer, more effective, and tailored to your individual needs.

Key Benefits

  • Prevent Over-dosing and Under-dosing: Accurately determine the most effective drug dosages based on your genetics, minimizing side effects and maximizing treatment outcomes.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Identify the most effective drugs for your specific genetic makeup, ensuring optimal treatment efficacy and reducing adverse reactions.
  • Empowering Patients: Make informed healthcare decisions guided by genetic insights, taking charge of your health for a brighter future.


Gastrointestinal disorders are a global health concern, affecting an estimated 40% of people worldwide. This number is projected to increase as the global population ages and the burden of chronic diseases rises. Gastrointestinal disorders are among the leading causes of digestive distress and nutrient deficiencies, posing a significant challenge to individuals and societies.

Some Common Gastrointestinal Disorders Include

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a chronic condition characterized by stomach acid reflux, affects an estimated 20%-40% of people worldwide.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a chronic disorder characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, and constipation or diarrhea, affects an estimated 10%-15% of people globally.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a group of chronic inflammatory disorders that include Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, affects an estimated 5 million people worldwide.
Covered Disease Types and Sub-Types

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease 1
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease 13
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease 19
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease 25
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease 28
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease 30